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  • 3A Biopower

    Growth booster for broiler

    3A BioPower is a unique combination of plant extracts, enzymes and toxin binders formulated for performance, improved digestion and reduced mortality in all poultry species.
    Reduction in overall feed costs thanks to improved feed efficiency and the effect of improving performance, and promoting growth - scientifically proven.

    active ingredients
    A natural product, by botanical definition
    • A mixture of plant extracts • BETA-MANNANASE ENZYME • PHYTASE ENZYME • Toxin binders
    A mixture of herbal extracts
    A carefully selected mixture of plant essential oils increases performance by positively changing the intestinal microbiota, increasing enzyme secretion, strengthening the immune response, improving the morpho-histological maintenance of the digestive system and increasing antioxidant activity in chickens.

    Studies have proven that the use of plants and their essential oil in the diet of a broiler can achieve similar (or better) performance than the inclusion of antibiotics in the diet, with the added benefit of increasing the health of the intestinal lining and general strengthening of the immune system.

    The unique herbal blend found in 3A BioPower has additional properties that are also beneficial:
    » Fungistatic properties that inhibit the growth of fungi and the production of aflatoxin.
    » Anti-parasitic properties.
    » Strong antimicrobial properties.
    » Contains plants toxic to the red poultry mite.
    » Helps prevent and treat salmonella.
    » Natural growth promoter in chickens and broilers.


    Beta-mannanase is part of the hemicellulose fraction of plant cell walls. Beta-mannan content is present in most food ingredients and varies in its content. Its effects include reducing the absorption of glucose and carbohydrates in the intestines by interfering with insulin secretion and IGF formation. The result is a reduction in the absorption of nitrogen, fat, amino acids and other nutrients in broiler chickens.

    The mechanism of beta-mannanase is the breakdown of beta-mannan into mannan oligosaccharides (MOS). It can help reduce harmful bacteria in the intestinal tract, promote the growth of bifidus and lactobacillus strains, and promote an overall improvement in the gut microbial environment.


    The enzyme phytase catalyzes the hydrolysis of phytic acid, an organic and indigestible form of phosphorus found in grains and oilseeds, into a useful form of inorganic phosphorus. Since poultry lacks the phytase enzyme, this is an important nutritional supplement. The inclusion of phytase in poultry diets improves the nutritional value of plant material by releasing inorganic phosphate from phytic acid.
    It is well known that supplementing the feed of poultry with phytase increases the availability of phytase bundle nutrients such as calcium, phosphorus and other minerals, as well as carbohydrates and proteins.


    toxin binders
    Mycotoxins are toxic compounds produced by various species of fungi under certain environmental conditions. Mixtures of different raw materials in complex food increase the risk of food contamination with several different toxins. The presence of mycotoxins in feed has a wide range of negative effects on poultry, including loss of nutritional value from feed, poor FCR, decreased feed palatability, immunosuppression, growth retardation, poor hatchability and fertility, and reduction in general health and performance. Toxin binders minimize the adverse effects of mycotoxins in broiler chickens by absorbing or inactivating the toxins.

    Presented as a light brown fine powder with a characteristic cinnamon, grassy smell.
    User manual
    1 kg of 3A Biopower per metric ton of food.


    stability and storage:
    Stable for two years when stored in a cool, dry place
    Keep away from sunlight and below 25 degrees Celsius.



    10 kg

    3A BioPower

    • To order this product please Contact:


      Ben Ribak



      Liran Tager
      Sales Manager


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